August 1910
The Cup presented by Mr D. C. Spence, Schoolmaster to be played for annually, has been won this year by Mr Thomas Porteous. His opponent was Mr John Black who at the beginning looked like carrying off the prize, the game at one time standing 16-15 in his favour. Porteous then took up the running and drew level at 19. In the remaining 2 ends Porteous secured another two singles. The result was Mr Thomas Porteous 21 Mr John Black 19. It was the second year of the competition and great interest was evidenced in the event.
The final of the Championship Bowls tournament was played on Thursday night on Bonnybridge green, between Lewis McHugh and Alexander Higgins. The game resulting in a win for McHugh by 21-16. McHugh ran away with 9 shots but Higgins pulling up equalised the game at 12. For the next six ends the game was well contested but with a heavy shower coming on a halt was called for a while, after which McHugh had everything in his own way and was victorious as already stated.
1913 Prizegiving